Leadership, Governance &

PISP views lobbying and advocacy as an important means to ensuring pro-poor policies that balance the many special interests as opposed to ones that benefit narrow sections of the society. The main issues/problems that PISP deals with in this regard include community knowledge and participation gaps in national policy reforms, development of pro-poor policies, corruption, public resource mismanagement and lack of transparency and accountability in the distribution and use of public resources.

PISP focuses mainly on lobby and advocacy as a means to move forward the good governance agenda. This component aims for fairness and equity in resource allocation and utilization as well as quality service delivery to the community by concerned institutions. It further seeks to promote and nurture democratic governance principles, ideals and practice.

The programme also focuses on public participation in the decision making processes of devolved functions of the governments’ grassroots levels of villages, wards and sub counties with special focus on involvement of youths, women and persons with disabilities. PISP has been partnering with HelpAge International (HAI) and Forum SYD in undertaking activities in this sector.

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It will continue to emphasize on citizen participation in key decision making processes especially in public expenditure management (PEM) cycle in the county. This should involve the active participation of men, women, youth and persons with disabilities at all levels; village, ward, sub county and county levels. There was an 18 months programme (January 2019 – June 2020) focusing on women and girls in three sub counties of Moyale, Saku and Laisamis.